About Tomb of Sheikh Aminuddin Jebraeil Safavi

Sheikh Aminuddin Jebraeil Safavi, the father of Sheikh Safieddin Eshagh Ardebili is the ancestor of Safavid kings. Tomb of Sheikh Aminuddin Jebraeil Safavi is located in Kalkhuran village in 3 kilometers of Ardabil. Kalkhuran village is sometimes called Kalkhuran Sheikh after this monument. The building of this tomb dates back to early tenth century AH. It is located in a wooded area in such a way that tomb of Sheikh Aminuddin Jebraeil Safavi is lolcated as an octagon in the middle of a garden.




Ardabil is the center of Ardabil Province in north-western Iran. It is located on an open plain, just east of Mount Sabalan, where cold spells occur until late spring.
See Ardabil