About Ajori Minaret

Ajori Minaret (Brick Minaret) belongs to 4th century A.H. and Buyid Dynasty and it is located in the south of Khorram Abad. It is constructed on a stone pillar with a height of about 30 m. By climbing 99 circular stairs that form the internal space of the minaret, you can reach the roof. In the past, Ajori Minaret has been used to guide the caravans and to watch for the enemy attacks. Currently, distant landscapes of the city could be seen from the top of this minaret. The remains of stone and plaster architecture with thick walls next to Ajori Minaret, indicate the existence of buildings such as mosques and caravanserai around it, in the past. Ajori Minaret has been registered as a national monument of Iran.




Khorramabad is capital of Lorestan Province. It is quite scenic and possesses several attractions, such as 5 Paleolithic cave-dwelling sites.
See Khorramabad