About Gousheh Shahanshah Caravanserai

Gousheh Shahanshah Caravanserai belongs to Safavid Era and it is located 20 kilometers to the west of Khorram Abad in a village of the same name. This caravanserai is located next to the mausoleum of Shoja'uddin Khorshid, one of the kinglets of Atabakan Lor Koochak and therefore it is called Gousheh Shahanshah. Gousheh Shahanshah Caravanserai has 15 chambers with a courtyard of 300 m2. The whole building is divided into two sections where the back section is a place to keep the stock and the front section is composed of 9 m2 chambers for travellers to rest there. Gousheh Shahanshah Caravanserai has been registered as a national monument of Iran.




Khorramabad is capital of Lorestan Province. It is quite scenic and possesses several attractions, such as 5 Paleolithic cave-dwelling sites.
See Khorramabad