About Jom'eh Mosque of Ardabil

Jom'eh Mosque of Ardabil is the remaining of a grand, wide and unique mosque constructed during different Islamic periods especially Seljukid Era and it has been prosperous until Safavid Period. This mosque included magnificent courtyard, porch and arch that were destroyed in the Mongol Invasion of Persia. However, the main reason of destruction and devastation of the mosque has been an intense earthquake that destroyed its building. During Seljukid and Ilkhanid Period, this mosque had been much larger and wider than its current building in such a way that its current building only forms the doom and porch of grand mosque. The only brick minaret of this mosque is a Seljuk monument. Time lapse has resulted in destruction of details of this mosque as can be seen today.




Ardabil is the center of Ardabil Province in north-western Iran. It is located on an open plain, just east of Mount Sabalan, where cold spells occur until late spring.
See Ardabil