About Neor Lake

Neor Lake is a natural and fresh water lake located in 48 km of southeast of Ardabil in one of the valleys of Baghru Mountain Range. With an area of over 210 hectares, this lake is formed of two lakes, one small and another large that merge during the spring and make a unified lake.

Great precipitation and abundant springs have made the situation of this lake stable. In addition, pleasant weather of this area has provided a nice background to attract tourists especially in warm seasons. The area around this lake is covered with diverse vegetation including a variety of terrestrial and aquatic plants. Furthermore, Neor Lake is the habitat of some species of migratory birds. The area around this lake is an environmental protection area.




Ardabil is the center of Ardabil Province in north-western Iran. It is located on an open plain, just east of Mount Sabalan, where cold spells occur until late spring.
See Ardabil