About Bazaar of Semnan

Bazaar of Semnan is located on Imam Khomeini and Shohada streets of Semnan. It has been constructed in Qajar Period, to the Iranian traditional architectural style with adobe and brick ceilings according to the climate of desert areas. Bazaar of Semnan entails Raste Bazaar (the series of shops) and Sheikh Ala ud-Daula Bazaar. Raste Bazaar is divided into north and south parts. The north bazaar is still called Raste Bazaar or the upper bazaar. There are three old bathhouses, five mosques and four caravanserais there. The façade of north and south entrances is adorned with beautiful inscriptions of azure tiles. This bazaar has vaulted ceiling and arc and large glass windows are installed on its roof to supply the light for inner sections. The south bazaar which is known as lower or small bazaar is in line with the north one. It is referred to as Hazrat Bazaar due to being close to Imamzadeh Yahya bin Musa Shrine. Sheikh Ala ud-Daula Bazaar is attributed to Ilkhanate Period and before. It has been constructed by Sheikh Ala ud-Daula Simnani, a renowned mystic of 7th and 8th centuries A.H. Of major places in Bazaar of Semnan are Jama' Mosque of Semnan, Imamzadeh Yahya bin Musa, Tekyeh Nasar, Tekyeh Pahneh, and Pahneh Bathhouse. Bazaar of Semnan has been registered as a national monument of Iran.




Semnan is capital of Semnan Province. Semnan is located in the central northern portion of Iran.The city of Semnan is situated just south of the foothills of the Alborz Mountains, bordering the Kavir Desert to the south of the city.
See Semnan